February 27, 2008 - Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition (CO)Walk To Stop ICE Detention FacilityOPPOSE the construction of a new immigrant detention center in Aurora!March 1, 2008, Aurora, CO. 11:00 AM at the Colorado Progressive Coalition office, 1600 Downing St., Suite 210, Aurora, CO. OPPOSE the construction of a new immigrant detention center in Aurora! For more info, contact Pam at pam@ccjrc.org, or see www.progressivecoalition.org or www.ccjrc.org The GEO Group, one of the nation's largest private prison corporations wants to build a new 1,100 bed immigrant holding facility in Aurora. The Aurora Planning Commission will vote on the proposal to build this facility March 12. If you would like to help stop this facility from being built: 1. Contact Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition at chandrarusso@gmail.com with your name and/or organization to sign on to the petition (below). 2. Contact the Planning Commission directly, along with the Mayor and Aurora City Council, and tell them to oppose the detention center. Their email addresses: 3. Personalize and print this petition as a letter to be sent to: Planning Commission Members, Aurora
Mayor and City Council 4. Join us on Saturday, March 1 at 11 a.m. at the Colorado Progressive Coalition, 1600 Downing St. We will meet to review strategy, talk about how to engage safely and respectfully. We will then drive out to Aurora to flyer. If you are unable to make it to this event but know others that might, please forward this message to them. THE PETITION:Planning Commission Members Cc: Aurora Mayor and City Council Dear Planning Commission Members, As you may know, the GEO Group, a billion dollar corporation, wants to build a new 1,100 bed immigrant holding facility inAurora. This facility will hurt our community and lead to great suffering while putting millions of tax dollars into the pockets of a destructive corporation. We strongly urge you to OPPOSE the construction of a new immigrant detention center in Aurora when it comes up for hearing on March 12. Here is why:
As decision makers for Aurora, we trust you will make choices that strengthen our communities and enhance our way of life. We believe you will support development that enriches our neighborhoods and maintains our values. Building one of the country's largest immigration detention center in Aurora does neither of these things. It is an affront to communities, families, workers and tax-payers. We trust you will not allow this detention center to be built. |